Thursday, May 11, 2006

Don't Forget Mother's Day

Have you gotten your mother a Mother's Day card yet? What about a gift? I keep hearing all kinds of reminders on the radio. Of course, there is the original gift of flowers, just call 1-800-flowers, right? A different, rather unusual idea is called whereby you can send your mother pajamas for her special day...huh? That's a little weird. If you're old enough to listen to sports talk radio where they are advertising this product, I don't think you should be buying your mother pajamas...I mean, I don't want to know what my mom wears to bed? And then there is the ever popular (really?) Vermont Teddy Bear--what in the world? For the product that suggests: "Send the creative altervative to flowers" Yeah Right! What mother would rather have a $75 stuffed bear than something that she could really use...or at least, something she would really like? I know for Kristen, who is also a wonderful mom, she would be thinking, "I could buy a really nice pair of shoes with that money!"

Well, whatever you do, don't forget to do something. At least, make that phone call this Sunday.

Good Luck.

p.s. Just heard the Vermont Bear commercial for the 5th time this morning. I caught the number this time, so you can call 1-800-829-BEAR. And of course, one of the most popular items is the "Mamma's Bear." Order Now!


At Thu May 11, 01:28:00 PM, Blogger Chad Gardner wrote...

I'll skip the $75 bear this year. My mom's never been into flowers that much either. She'd rather have something useful than flowers or a teddy bear. I think I may get her that new weedeater she's had her eye on.

At Fri May 12, 01:47:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Yeah i got my mom a Garden decoration.... she love those Precious Moments... So I got her one of those. Are you listening to Howard Stern? They advertise the pjgram and vt teddybears all the time. Anyway... ttyl


At Sat May 13, 11:13:00 AM, Blogger Eli Perkins wrote...

No, I don't have Sirius (I guess that's where he is now). I listen to the local sports station, Ticket 760.


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