Monday, March 27, 2006

Dinner Time

As with any child, Meredith loves to run and play and explore her surroundings. She is constantly undoing things that Kristen just did. She's also into climbing...on the sofa, on chairs, on boxes, but tonight, she found something that couldn't support her weight, even at 25 lbs or so. It was dinner time and I had been asking her if she was hungry and wanted to eat. I think she understood because when I walked into the kitchen after hearing her quietly moaning, I saw her trapped on her back completely underneath her high chair! She was fine, so it was a little bit humerous. She apparently had tried to climb into her high chair by grabbing onto the attached tray and it tumbled forward as she fell backward. I think she was more stunned than really upset. I'm really glad she was okay, but I also wish I had that scene on video...I'm sure it could have won a prize on one of those best home movie shows. I thought about taking a picture, but in a split second, I also could hear anybody who saw the picture asking me, "So you took time to snap this photo...before rescuing your daughter from the attacking high chair?" I didn't take a picture.


At Tue Mar 28, 02:08:00 PM, Blogger PiperMatt wrote...

I'm faced with that same dilemna almost daily. I don't take the picture either. :)

At Tue Mar 28, 02:26:00 PM, Blogger Eli Perkins wrote...

I know...if only we had video cameras constantly rolling...but, that wouldn't really be good either, huh?

At Fri Mar 31, 05:20:00 PM, Blogger PiperMatt wrote...

Muahahahaha this morning, I had gone to the pantry to select a box of cereal for some much-needed nourishment... I walk back into the kitchen from the hallway and my daughter saw that I had left the pantry open.

Now, she knows that the pantry is where the fruit snacks are kept... so while turning back and calling "Daddy, I want some frooOO-snacks," she attempted to run down the hallway. Ran SMACK into the wall and fell to the floor. And I don't mean she ran into the corner of the doorway ... I mean she MISSED THE DOORWAY COMPLETELY. Solid wall, all the way.

It took everything I had to keep from laughing. Thankfully my wife was there to pick her up because I didn't have the strength. I must confess to wishing I had the video camera rolling... we could have made a bundle on America's Funniest!

At Fri Mar 31, 05:30:00 PM, Blogger Chad Gardner wrote...

Going back to you guys leaving the video cameras running all the time... Hmmm...


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