Sunday, May 28, 2006

I was thinking about our impending move to Tennessee tonight as I spoke to the youth group. We kicked off the summer with a pool party welcoming our interns. I'm going to miss so many things about San Antonio: driving down Broadway to Starbucks or Broadway Daily Bread for a morning muffin or cinnamon roll, walking to work, running in our neighborhood, our house, the Spurs, the Riverwalk, the Quarry, Mexican food, but most of all, the people. We have so many good friends and will always miss everyone at Sunset Ridge. I hope to soak up every day this summer with my youth group and everyone at church.

Things I won't miss: construction on I-10, 410, 281, and all the potholes in-between.


At Fri Jun 09, 08:50:00 AM, Blogger Erik wrote...

I'm so excited that you guys are moving to Knox-Vegas. I know it will be difficult leaving the things that you have known and called home for so long, but have no worries...

Knoxville has just as many Starbucks as it does McDonalds. There's also these amazing things called "roads" and "sidewalks", which you can run on. We've got our share of Authentic Mexican, but it's not the Tex-mex style you're used to (sorry).

Also, there's no doubt that you won't miss the construction on your highways because they've been in the process of redoing I-40/75 for years and still have at least 4 more to go. Hooray for construction!!

Seriously, though...Sonya and I are really excited for you guys to come. We'll be in Nantucket until the 2nd or 3rd of July, though, so save some moving/unpacking for us. We still want to help!


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