Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Airport Parking

My trip to Oklahoma was quick but fairly productive. OKC was pretty cold and covered with snow, but the streets were not icy anymore. We met with the Oklahoma Christian group Unbound who will provide the drama presentations at Zenith camp next year. I'm excited about both Zenith and Cornerstone camps this summer and especially the classes which are always a big hit. This summer, I'm most interested in a class entitled: God's Blog. It could be a bust; depends on who teaches it.

I returned to SA with Adam and Richard; we left OKC at 6:30 and flew to Dallas Love. We got to spend another 2 hours in that airport until our 9:05 flight took us home to SA. Luckily, they have a Chili's.

Since the trip had gone smoothly so far, I suppose it's only fair that I encountered a snag when I got home. I first tried to prepay my parking fee in those new automated kiosks, but I somehow had an unreadable ticket. Ok, so I'll stop at the little gate a little longer, no problem. I actually found my car without having to walk down each aisle, and it also started! Too good to be true. All of my windows were covered in condensation inhibiting my view out the back. So I'm backing up very slowly trying to gauge my turning radius, and a car is coming the other way, so I'm trying to hurry and then I hear this "screeeeetch....cruuuuuntch..." I backed into this enormous truck but thankfully only knocked off its front license plate. Fantastic. It's 10:15 p.m. and I'm standing in a cold, wet, and now exhaust filled parking garage writing a note to someone I don't know. "Sorry I accidently back into your monster truck...." I can only imagine the driver of this beast reading my wimpy little note on the back of my "Minister" business card thinking, "What a moron." Hopefully, the owner can just re-attach the license plate without having to replace the entire front bumper. I laid the license plate and frame on the massive side steps of the truck and drove away even more ready to get home. I'll wait with anticipation to see if the truck owner calls.


At Wed Feb 22, 04:36:00 PM, Blogger Chad Gardner wrote...

What is there about airport Chili's that make them so comfortable? It seems like whenever I'm in an airport, I love to go to the Chili's. Especially the one in Dallas Love. Maybe it's just a beacon of neighborhood friendliness in the middle of a packed terminal. I mean, the food is sometimes below par so it's not like I'm expecting a great meal, but I always walk away happy. I guess I'm just glad to have my tummy filled with something besides Sbarro pizza or a hot dog off of the warmer.

At Sat Feb 25, 10:49:00 PM, Blogger Chad Gardner wrote...

PS >> I like the updates you're making to the site. Looking good!


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