Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Colorado Here I Come!

Tomorrow I leave for Colorado taking my youth group on a winter ski trip. It will hopefully be lots of fun, injury free, and maybe even relaxing. The two negative sides are that my family is staying at home and that I'll be on a charter bus for 17 hours each way, ugh. But at least I'm not driving; I'm incredibly thankful for professional bus drivers. I'll try to sleep on the floor, and I'll count how many people step on me through the night. I've only skied (doesn't that word look funny?) once in my life, so I hope to remember at least how to put my skis on and snow plow. Now I just need to find a few good books for that dense travel time. Any suggestions?


At Wed Feb 08, 10:44:00 PM, Blogger Chad Gardner wrote...

Since you're going skiing, you should prepare your mind with a good book. I think anything written by Sonny and Cher would be appropriate material to prepare you for skiing.

That was bad... sorry. RIP Sonny Bono


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