Monday, December 12, 2005

are we there yet?

Christmas is coming...Christmas is coming! That's always the cry soon after Halloween and all through Thanksgiving and December. Most of the time, I try not to be sucked in to the hype and all the early decorations and that crazy dancing Santa at Wal-Mart. But I think it's safe to say that Christmas is now just around the corner and I still have not bought a single present. This makes me nervous and happy. I know I will buy a gift soon and will have to face the traffic in the stores, but I also am trying to live this season withouth the burden of materialism. Racking up gifts and debt obviously is not what Christmas is about, but many times, we (collectively) and I, just cannot help ourselves. So hopefully, this Christmas, Kristen and I can resist the idea that somehow, our self worth and identity have anything to do with how many gifts we give and receive, but rather, may we dwell in the adoration of Christ, the gift of God.


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