Saturday, February 11, 2006

Wipe Out

Today was a great day of skiing. I took my 3 kids from the youth group and we mastered the bunny slopes, at least some of us did. The snow is compact here because it hasn't snowed in a while; that makes it quite slick and crunchy, but it's still better than being in the office. I left the bunny slopers for one last run up the mountain. I'm still only traveling the green trails though, but they're fast enough for me right now. I was doing great all the way up to the very finish. I think I somehow merged with a blue trail to take me down to the base, and things were going fine, but I started to pick just a little too much steam. I made a quick swish of a turn and bam, my left ski is gone. So I'm skiing on one ski, still going way too fast, and I try to slow, or turn, or do something to slow down, and I bite it--on the ground, tumbling toward one of the signs in the ground that say "Slow Zone." No problem. At least it broke my fall. I was all tangled in the sign when this nice woman brought me my other ski that I dropped fifty feet above. I stood up, dusted the snow off, and after I finally got back into my skiis, I coasted down to the base. I felt excited and also thankful that my body was intact. As I laughed the rest of the way down, I thought to myself...Now, I know that I've been skiing today. Everyone needs a good fall sometimes.


At Thu Feb 16, 12:46:00 PM, Blogger Chad Gardner wrote...

Awesome.... I was rolling reading that story. Mary got quite a chuckle out of it too.

I have never been snow skiing but would LOVE to go sometime.


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